Do you remember wondering how a lizard can climb up a wall, why stars twinkle at night, or a thousand other questions that every child has? After all the school you've had, do you still wonder as much? 

Do you remember getting a birthday gift and shaking the box to figure out what it was before you opened it? Are you still excited by mystery? Are you still eager to learn?

Yes? That is awesome! Keep going!

No? What happened? Amazing things to learn and discover are all around us. Some of those things might just be interesting, some could be your path to millions of dollars and the future of your dreams, and some could literally save your life. 

Ask why  •  Wonder  
•  Explore and discover  
•  Love learning new things.

Our goal is to help you do
just that!

Science Glen creates tools and courses to help people learn:
faster — easier — and deeper.

It doesn't matter whether you, your relative, or just someone you know is struggling to understand geometry, trying to remember how to conjugate verbs in Spanish, or master advanced neuroanatomy, our goal is to make it faster — easier — and deeper. 
Learning doesn't have to be a struggle. We want you and everyone you know to be amazed at how fast and easy it can be to learn with the right techniques. 
Whether you are a teacher in a school or at home, or you're learning on your own, our techniques and tools are going to make it more fun and meaningful for you and your students.
We're starting with science tools, but keep watching. We plan on adding courses and discoveries from art, education, literature, mathematics, neuroscience, physics, welding, and lots of other exciting areas. 

Explore, discover, and innovate with us
to create our amazing future!

Please share our exciting discoveries about science and the best way to learn:
faster — easier
— and deeper!

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About Russell Dollinger, Ph.D.

With experience ranging from invention, science, business, and education Russell Dollinger has a unique set of skills that he uses to help students grow and learn.

He received his Ph.D. in Anatomy from UCLA for work on brain biochemistry and cell biology, became a best-selling author with a series of medical language books, headed companies testing language software in major hospitals and prisons, and taught science students worldwide ranging in grade level from 2nd graders to medical students. 

That broad and deep background has helped him learn and handle many challenges for himself, but it has also allowed him to model what it takes to learn whatever you want — faster — easier — and deeper. 

No-Limit Learning
